Home Region Collection and Archive

Home Region Collection and Archive

In the home region collection, you can find literature about Suomussalmi and books written by people who were born or lived in Suomussalmi. Collections of articles about local cultural influencers, microfilms and material about the life and production of the author Ilmari Kianto are also collected in the home region collection. The material from the home region collection cannot be borrowed at home, but it can be used freely during the library's customer service hours.



The home regional archive stores private archival material and intellectual tradition about Suomussalmi. Such are e.g. archives of local associations, companies, people's movements, cooperatives, families, clans, houses and individuals. The archive list can be seen in the archive and information about it is also given by phone and email. Anyone who comes to study the home regional archive always fills out an order form, with which he also undertakes not to misuse the information he has received. Archive material cannot be borrowed at home, and the ordered documents are delivered to the customer in the research room.

The home regional archive is constantly receiving private archival material about Suomussalmi. A handover/deposit agreement is made for all archives that come to the archive. The terms of the deed of transfer and general archival regulations are followed in the management of the handed over archives. The archive's operating area is the current area of ​​Suomussalmi municipality, but for a special reason, material from other areas can also be included in the archive. The home regional archive does not include state, municipal and church documents. Objects, printed products, advertisements, brochures, price lists and old account slips are also not stored there. Depositing in the local archive is only recommended for a particularly compelling reason. Otherwise, it is recommended to hand over the archive and, in the case of sensitive documents, restrict their use.

The usage restrictions set in your transfer/deposit agreement must be strictly followed. In addition, the home regional archive can, for a special reason, protect documents it considers to be particularly sensitive, if their unrestricted use clearly causes harm to the persons to whom the documents concern, even if the documents were not protected under a transfer/deposit agreement. Documents deemed to be destroyed will be returned to the donor of the archive if desired, otherwise they will be destroyed.

Since the home regional archive is not actually an archive creator, the archive is not considered to have an archive creation plan according to §§ 8 Arkl. The register statement according to HeTiL § 10 is kept from the archives that make up the personal register. This Register Statement is public, but it is not published together with the recommendation received from the archive institution, but is kept for viewing in the archive. Only persons responsible for the archive have access to the archive space, and the archive space is always kept locked.

Contact: Niina Hoppendorff

Tel. 044 777 3180
