Services for jobseekers

Employment counselors in Suomussalmi municipality provide individiual support and guidance to jobseekers at every stage of their job search. Also jobseekers who are moving or are planning to move to Suomussalmi may contact employment counselors.

Together with the customer, employment counselors identify solutions that match the customer's wishes and life situation. If it's necessary they also guide them to social, health and rehabilitation services that promote employment and work ability.

Empolyment counselors help and guide jobseekers through both short- and long-term training and coaching to promote emplyment or improve their professional skills.

The main purpose is to help jobseekers to enter the labour market and employers to find suitable employees.

Employment counselors offer jobseekers and employers the services of a work ability coordinator and jobseekers neuropsychiatric coaching. Also animal-assisted counselling is used if needed. Empolyment counselors also provide support in starting studies and offer guidance and support in the workplace.

To register as a jobseeker, use the web page TE-services ( or call to the customer service tel. +358 295 025 500.

Contact information:

employment counselor (foreign customers)
Riikka Paasimaa
tel. +358 40 688 4564 
e-mail: riikka.paasimaa(at)